full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Kate Darling: Why we have an emotional connection to robots

Unscramble the Blue Letters

In 2007, the Washington Post rtreepod that the United settas military was testing this robot that defused land mines. And the way it worked was it was shaped like a stick insect and it would walk around a minefield on its legs, and every time it stepped on a mine, one of the legs would blow up, and it would continue on the other legs to blow up more mines. And the colonel who was in cahrge of this testing excerise ends up calling it off, because, he says, it's too inhumane to watch this damaged robot drag itself along the minefield. Now, what would cause a hardened military officer and someone like myself to have this reposnse to rtobos?

Open Cloze

In 2007, the Washington Post ________ that the United ______ military was testing this robot that defused land mines. And the way it worked was it was shaped like a stick insect and it would walk around a minefield on its legs, and every time it stepped on a mine, one of the legs would blow up, and it would continue on the other legs to blow up more mines. And the colonel who was in ______ of this testing ________ ends up calling it off, because, he says, it's too inhumane to watch this damaged robot drag itself along the minefield. Now, what would cause a hardened military officer and someone like myself to have this ________ to ______?


  1. charge
  2. states
  3. robots
  4. exercise
  5. reported
  6. response

Original Text

In 2007, the Washington Post reported that the United States military was testing this robot that defused land mines. And the way it worked was it was shaped like a stick insect and it would walk around a minefield on its legs, and every time it stepped on a mine, one of the legs would blow up, and it would continue on the other legs to blow up more mines. And the colonel who was in charge of this testing exercise ends up calling it off, because, he says, it's too inhumane to watch this damaged robot drag itself along the minefield. Now, what would cause a hardened military officer and someone like myself to have this response to robots?

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
baby dinosaur 4
integrate robots 2
emotional connection 2
robots working 2
robot replaces 2

Important Words

  1. blow
  2. calling
  3. charge
  4. colonel
  5. continue
  6. damaged
  7. defused
  8. drag
  9. ends
  10. exercise
  11. hardened
  12. inhumane
  13. insect
  14. land
  15. legs
  16. military
  17. minefield
  18. mines
  19. officer
  20. post
  21. reported
  22. response
  23. robot
  24. robots
  25. shaped
  26. states
  27. stepped
  28. stick
  29. testing
  30. time
  31. united
  32. walk
  33. washington
  34. watch
  35. worked